Fruit Tree Pruning
When Do You Prune Fruit Trees
- Control the size of the tree so it fits well in your landscape and fruit is easily harvested
- Develop a strong limb structure for a healthy, sturdier tree
- Remove crossing branches, dead and broken wood
5 Easy Steps
How to Prune a Fruit Tree
- Using a clean, sharp, Corona Bypass Pruner or saw, remove all dead, broken and diseased wood. Make all cuts just above an outward-facing branch or node and treat with Bonide Tree Sealer.
For one- or two-year old trees remove about two-thirds of the previous year's growth. This, and all subsequent pruning should be done with an eye towards evenly-spaced branches and keeping the center of the tree open.
- Remove weak, spindly (unproductive) growth as well as any suckers (vertical growth originating at the base of the tree below the graft).
- Remove all tree litter and debris from under the tree.
- Remove all leaves if possible, and clear from under the tree. Apply Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer according to directions for the size of tree. Water well.
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Apples, Pears & Cherries
These produce fruit on structures called spurs. (4- to 5-inch, fat stems with rounded tips which form on year-old branches.) Never remove spurs, as they will produce for many years. Remove about 50% of the previous year's growth. Cherries fruit on spurs and the previous year's growth, so prune very lightly for spacing only.
Peaches, Apricots, Nectarines & Plums
Flowers and fruit are produced on the previous year's growth. These should be cut back by about one-third.
What You'll Need
For the best results when pruning your fruit trees

Corona Aluminum Bypass Pruner
Ergonomic and light weight with high- carbon blades.

Boss Gloves
The guardian angel extended sleeve synthetic leather glove protects hands & arms with a comfort-flex fit.

Bonide® Pruning Sealer
Protective sealer for cut branches. Allows air to enter to help promote regrowth.

Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer
An organic fertilizer specifically formulated for the unique needs of fruit trees, berries and vining fruit. Apply to actively growing trees. Made sustainably in the U.S.A from organic matter.